Let’s talk about a question we get asked a lot — “When should I replace my garage door?” Here are some key factors to consider if you’re thinking about replacing your garage door.

Mike The Door Man’s Blog. Mike is an expert at Door Repair and Door Replacement. He is president of Worcester Door Company, The Garage Door specialists in Worcester MA.
Let’s talk about a question we get asked a lot — “When should I replace my garage door?” Here are some key factors to consider if you’re thinking about replacing your garage door.
The Liftmaster door opener line of battery backup units are now coming to the age of service. These units have required little to no maintenance over the last several years which is really a good thing. We have begun to receive calls that are battery-oriented and wanted to pass along some FYI to our customers […]
Rolling Steel Security Door
LiftMaster Battery Backup Garage Door Opener Helpful Hints