Thank you Veterans

veteranVeterans Day

Worcester Door Company would like to say “THANK YOU” to our Veterans.

A Veteran myself, I often engage in conversation with individuals who misunderstand the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.  Memorial Day is the day we honor the fallen men and women of the military who are no longer with us and who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

According to the The US Department of Veterans Affairs, it is stated that Veterans Day is…” A celebration to honor America’s Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

On Veterans Day, we honor all Veterans, past and present, who have demonstrated loyal dedication to serve their country and fight for freedom.

On November 11th, we urge you to take the time and join us to thank a veteran and or veterans and let them know how much we appreciate and honor the sacrifices they have made so that we may continue to enjoy our freedom today.

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” -Elmer Davis


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