My Garage Door Won’t Open

It could be a very irritating and frustrating situation when you have been so accustomed to using a garage door opener and suddenly it does not work and you’re forced to manually lift that heavy door.

When this happens, the homeowner may automatically assume that they need a complete new door opener system.  However, while in some situations, a completely new system is necessary, more often a part is damaged or broken and requires just a replacement part.  So, the question is, how do you know whether you need a brand new system or just a repair.

When it comes to garage door openers, even if you are mechanically inclined, you might be better off to call a professional to locate the source of the problem.  It could just be an issue with hinges, tracks, brackets, pulleys, locks, rollers or a part in the opener itself or an electrical problem.  Repairing a garage door opener is one thing, but breaking your system even further could cost you more in the long run.

Worcester Door Company will assess the Garage Door Opener and repair it if possible before suggesting to the homeowner that they need a new system.  We appreciate the economic situation and we are always looking out for our customers’ best interest.  Give us a call or email us for a FREE ESTIMATE in Worcester County.

So don’t rush out and buy yourself a new system before having an expert find the root of the problem and the reason why your garage door won’t open.

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