What NOT TO DO When Programming Your Keypad Access Code

A Garage Door keypad is an added security option when it comes to garage door openers.  It can prove to be very useful on that dreadful day when you or your children lose or misplace the house keys and you need access into your home.  When choosing an access code we tend to pick codes that we can easily remember, especially for our children.  However, it poses the possibility of making it quite easy for others, like thieves, to figure out an easy code and ultimately putting your house at a security risk and a possible break-in.

When choosing an access code, here is a list of things you should not do in order to protect you and your family:

  1. Do not use sequence number codes such as “1,2,3,4” or “5,6,7,8.  Easy to remember for both you and a thief.
  2. Do not use your phone number.  A quick internet search can easily link your land line phone number to your address.
  3. Do not use your house number.  It might sound too obvious but it is very common.
  4. Do not use your birthday.  Your birthday can easily be found with a quick internet search.  Remember thieves also have internet access especially when your personal information can be easily accessed on social media sites such as MySpace and Facebook.

Safety is the main concern anytime there is access codes involved especially access into your home.  It is very important to always keep in mind that sometimes the people that you least expect are also capable of breaking into your home.  Last but not least, be smart, alert and aware of your surroundings when programming and using your Garage Door Keypads.

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